Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Air Conditioning

A frame was need to be manufactured to attach to the roof to support the heavy Aircommand Ibis 3 air conditioning unit

After careful measuring, 40mm alloy square section, 40mm alloy angle sections and 4.8mm steel rivets were used to construct a H frame to tie into the existing roof bracing structure and bonded with Sikaflex to the roof skin.


First things first, seats were removed, rear heaters were removed and bolt holes holes plugged up to allow it to be re-engineered for driving on a 1A license in NSW.  GVM was adjusted to 4495kg.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

As it arrived home

A little rough around the edges and needed some initial TLC and registration

Finally found the one!

1998 Australian delivered HZB50 Deluxe Toyota Coaster
5 speed 1HZ 4.2L Diesel

Purchased 10/9/2016

Pictures as advertised

 After some haggling, a price was agreed, an UVP was acquired from the RMS and it was driven home.